With the steady rise of internet and mobile users, social media has become ubiquitous across the globe. As a marketer, social media is an important channel to reach large audiences and develop their awareness, recognition, and sentiment for your brand. In fact, according to data from Global Web Index, more than a third of users seek out brands on social media—using it to engage with brands that they already like, research products and services for purchase, and obtain customer service.
Traditionally, one way that buyers find you is through influencers—trusted individuals that engage with your brand or product. In the past, influencer marketing was typically owned by your PR team, who tracked and cultivated relationships with key players in your industry and market, but social media has changed the name of the game. Now, it’s critical that you not only identify “social celebrities” (commonly known as influencers) who love and use your brand, but everyday people with a large network and influence.
A great way to identify and engage with these influential people is through social media marketing—and building campaigns that are conducive to social listening and sharing, which we will cover more later in this guide.
% of active users who say they use social platforms to research products

Source: Global Web Index | Marketo